07 January 2007

Back again

Warwick Castle, where we went skating yesterday

Well, here I am, back again, hard though it seems to believe. My room is much messier than I remembered it, but on the positive side my herbs seem to have coped quite well on a few weeks without water and are positively flourishing.

Strangely, considering how much I enjoyed last term, and considering how I haven't really been able to make the most of the holiday what with the project, I'm actually not that thrilled to be back. Actually, I'm kind of disappointed. Still, that's only to be expected with the end of the holidays, and I'm sure it won't take me long to get back into things.

This term, I have one day a week without any lectures (Friday), and only three early mornings. Though I do have a couple of six o'clock lectures, so it's not all good. It also gets very complicated with many classes running only in alternate weeks- in some cases that's a lecture for everyone and in others it's a computer class for which there are two groups with one doing even and one odd weeks.

I'm looking forward to starting the new modules- they sound pretty interesting. More so than most of the ones last term.

With the new term, I'm also going to have a new policy: I shall try not to write down absolutely everything that happens each day, since it takes far too long, and the past term's entries have hopefully given an idea of what my typical day is like. However, I may well fall into the temptation of recounting everything despite my best efforts.

View from our front garden

Evidence that my Memory is Not What it Was

I think I mentioned that I lost my copy of Hogfather on a bus when I went to see Ginger? And also that I bought it because I couldn't find my original copy in spite of much looking, and really wanted to read it? Well, yesterday I was looking in the bookcase that I have tucked away behind the rocking chair in my room because although I remembered putting in there only books for which I had quite a few by the same author, I couldn't remember quite which authors those were. And what should I find but Hogfather? So I was able to finish it at least, but I can't believe I didn't look there in my original search. I mean, it's a bookcase! It's the obvious place to look.

The other night I wanted to watch ER, and thought I remembered bringing home the discs for the series I was in the middle of, in case I wanted to watch any over Christmas. But I looked where I keep my DVDs and couldn't find it. So I thought ok, I didn't bring it home after all, why don't I start watching series 9 instead, which I got in Japan but have postponed breaking into because I don't have series 7 or 8 yet? I took the box downstairs, and took out the first case. No DVD. I looked in the other cases. No DVDs there either. Damn, I thought, I've been diddled. Entirely unintentionally, I'm sure, they forgot to put the discs in the case in the shop. Well, two years later and several thousand miles away the chance has probably passed to do anything about it. Live and learn. Then today I was unpacking from my massive suitcase the books I'd brought home since I'd read them and didn't need them at uni any more, so that I could pack all the stuff I did want to take back. And what should I find among them but the ER DVDs that I had thought I'd brought home. And why didn't I think of looking for them in my suitcase, when I knew there was still some stuff in there? Then I was putting the new DVDs I got when I went to visit Ginger in my DVD/CD travelling wallet (in which I have all my DVDs apart from box sets and a few I thought I probably wouldn't want to watch, so that all the cases didn't take up unnecessary space in my luggage or in my room in halls), and came upon the series 9 DVDs, which I'd put in there to take them to university, and then completely forgotten about it. Oh dear.


At 12:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know people who lose their memory all the time but mine is cyrstal clear because I have some disc that were copied and two have identical info and shouldnt and Im missing other info that someone else knows about. As you can see my memory is on target. I think some people have to look harder than others or as a parent would say to a child DONT TOUGH IT! but thats not the case otherwise come up with something.
And Im not laughing.


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