Never want a drink of water/ Till the well runs dry

Got back to halls around 8.30 this evening (after a computer class that finished at 7 and a trip to the supermarket in Chinatown), and started making supper, only to find that I couldn't get further than chopping up a courgette and a red pepper because there was no water* so I couldn't wash the mushrooms or cook the noodles. Still, everyone agreed that we were lucky- A and B blocks had no power.
In the end I used the tiny amount of water I had in a couple of bottles in my room, plus the pineapple juice from the tinned pineappIe I was using. It didn't turn out great, but I think that had more to do with using too many black beans (from the Chinese supermarket and not having any garlic than the water situation. The water eventually came on a few hours later, but not before Flatmate 2 had resorted to making coffee with flat sparkling water.
Today was quite a long day. Got to Regression just in time, had two hours of that (strangely comprehensible, which makes me feel quite optimistic about things), got invited by one of the Chinese girls on the course** to come to the cinema on Friday, went to the library and spent a couple of hours making notes on the methodology of one of the papers that will be presented in Surveys and Experiment Design on Thursday (still haven't started reading my one), went to meet a couple of UCL friends (S and I) for lunch, printed some lecture notes and some tax pages out on the library computers, did a bit more on the paper, went to a Women's Week event ('Islam and Feminism: an unlikely alliance?') but regrettably couldn't stay till the end as I had to go to a computer class. And it will be another long day tomorrow- 9 to 7 again plus I am meeting the same two friends afterwards for karaoke. Karaoke is actually something I will go a long way to avoid- when I say I can't sing I don't mean that I sing off key, I mean that I don't know the songs well enough to know what the tune is or how the words fit to it. It will give you some idea of the relationship between S and taking no for an answer if I tell you that in my whole time in Japan, in spite of having been at a fair few enkais where karaoke took place, and in spite of having a closest friend in Japan who was karaoke mad, I only sang about three or four times, but it took S about two times of asking to get me to practically promise to sing tomorrow. I'm not quite sure what it says about her that I'm actually vaguely looking forward to it...
*enough trickled out to wash the courgette and I'd already used some of the pepper the other day so that had had a wash too
**to my shame I only put her name to her face last week, along with another girl, though I had recently had an email exchange with her without knowing which one she was- I blame the fact that we got to hear everyone's names once at the beginning of the year and after that you didn't get another chance unless you wanted to ask someone outright
I went home over the weekend and made these two skirts with material and trim I got in John Lewis on Friday evening (and the sewing machine I got for Christmas). The material were both remnants*** with the top one being only £4 and the bottom £8, so that was quite a bargain (though with the trim and the zip etc added in they came to £15 each- still, pretty decent compared to what you'd pay in the shops!). Even if the bottom one does have an interesting curvy shape. I'm going to claim it's the tulip look...

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